How to choose and buy an unique domain name
Buying domain name is now common in the modern Internet world. Buying
domain name is similar to buying a land for you in the Internet of Cities.
So before buying a domain, please do follow the steps so that you can
choose your domain name as an unique one.
Guide to choose an Unique Domain Name
1. First thing you have to choose an name.
- The name should be short and pronounceable.
- It should not contain any numbers because if you tell your domain name to others, they will misunderstand it. For example Timetoknow and Time2know both are same when we pronounce it.
- But if you want to make a brand, then you can choose numbers in your domain name. After brand establishment, people will easily remember your domain name.
- So If you want to become a big brand then the spelling of the brand name will be automatically remembered by people.
2. And next step is search your chosen domain name across all platforms like
Google, Bing and other search engines
to find your name is already exit or not. For example, your domain
name may be a name of a
big company or a
celebrity star name or the
name may be have any
copyright issues by other brands.
3. Then the next step is you have to check the domain name is available to you or not. Check that anyone previous bought your domain name or not.
4. You can check this by a historical whois lookup. Visit the below websites and type your domain name and you can find if anyone previously bought my domain name or not.
Historical Whois Lookup ->
5. If no one previously bought your domain name means, then the next step
is go and search across all
social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube
and even more social media. If no one has your name, then it
seems like good.
6. You can also use many websites to search your name
across social media.
For example, websites like this and even more websites available for this social media checking.
7. And the last one is to choose the
best domain name registrar. Before you choose a domain name registrar check that they provide free whois privacy protection and
buying and renewal cost of a domain must be low.
And Finally after following all the above steps, you can choose your unique
domain name for your brand.
Last Updated on 30th October 2022, 5:20 PM IST
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